Tag: public
Can you be saved if you don’t read the Bible?
Reading the Bible is not a requirement for salvation. It is through hearing and believing the gospel that someone can be saved. One of the best illustrations of this truth is found in the verses of the thief on the cross. Despite being a condemned criminal with no good works or religious credentials, the criminal […]
RGSS: Viewport
The easiest way to understand the role of the viewport is to imagine them as layers or screens. A viewport is a surface that can fill a portion of the display screen. In general, you’ll want to fill the whole display area with the viewport’s box: Viewport.new(0, 0, 544, 416). With that notion in mind, […]
RGSS: Font
Now let’s enrich our previous Hello World demo. Do the following steps: 1-) Open RPG Maker and open the Script Edition (F11).2-) Delete every piece of code there. Absolutely everything.3-) Insert a new entry and name it something like “My Program”4-) Enter the following piece of code in the editor. We created a font object […]
RGSS: Database
RGSS2 has a bunch of modules prefixed with ‘RPG::’ and they play a crucial role. They contain all the basic data structures of RMVX that are used for the database. As an example, let’s pick the data class for Items. We obtain it via the RPG module: RPG::Items. If you look carefully inside the RGSS2 […]
RGSS: Basic Window
Let’s take a look at another built-in class from RGSS, the Window class. Creating a window in RGSS is a straightforward process that requires minimal intervention from the programmer. RGSS takes care of most of the details for us, and all we need to do is create a window object and assign property values. Creating […]
Gospel: is a changed lifestyle required? What about LGBT people?
I’ll get straight to the point and address a sensitive topic. As many of you are LGBT followers, I want to ensure you feel comfortable and included when the gospel is shared via my Eternal Eden projects. A fan of Eternal Eden PMed me on Discord: “I need to know something. You say you are […]
Gospel: in a nutshell. It’s ultra easy to be saved!
The message of the gospel may seem challenging at first, but ultimately, it offers hope, peace, and freedom for the soul. Our existence is riddled with injustice and suffering, resulting from the consequences of sin. Whether we like it or not, we are all interconnected to the inequity of this world, which the scriptures describe […]
RGSS: Pixel & Color Tests
The next tutorial is the ‘pixel’ equivalent of our previous ‘Hello World’ program, except we’re going to plot a green pixel in the middle of the screen. Without delay, follow these steps. Plot a pixel on the screen If you’ve followed the previous ‘Hello World’ tutorial carefully, you’ll notice that only two lines are new. […]
RGSS: Hello World
There is an ancient folklore in computer programming that says that your first program in any language should be a ‘Hello World’ display demo. The code should be brief and straightforward, consisting of only a few lines. Without further ado, let’s follow these steps. First RGSS demo To display text on the screen, we use […]